

ParSNIP is a generative model of astronomical transient light curves. It is designed to work with light curves in sncosmo format using the lcdata package to handle large datasets. See the lcdata documentation for details on how to download or ingest different datasets.

Training a model

ParSNIP provides a built-in script called parsnip_train that can be used to train a model on an lcdata dataset. It takes as input the path that the model will be saved to along with a list of paths to datasets. For example:

$ parsnip_train ./ ./dataset_1.h5 ./dataset_2.h5

will train a model named using the datasets dataset_1.h5 and dataset_2.h5.

Generating predictions

The parsnip_predict script can be used to generate predictions given an lcdata dataset and a pretrained ParSNIP model. To run it:

$ parsnip_predict ./predictions.h5 ./model.h5 ./dataset.h5

will generate predictions to the file named predictions.h5 using the dataset dataset.h5 and the model model.h5.

Loading a dataset in Python

ParSNIP is designed to work with lcdata datasets. lcdata datasets are guaranteed to be in a specific format, but they may include instrument-specific quirks, light curves that are not compatible with ParSNIP, or metadata in unusual formats (e.g. PLAsTiCC types are random integers). ParSNIP includes tools to clean up datasets from a range of different surveys and reject invalid light curves. Given an lcdata dataset, this can be done with:

>>> dataset = parsnip.parse_dataset(raw_dataset, kind='ps1')

Here kind specifies the type of dataset, in this case one from PanSTARRS-1. Currently supported options include:

  • ps1

  • ztf

  • plasticc

A convenience function is also included to read lcdata datasets in HDF5 format and parse them automatically:

>>> dataset = parsnip.load_dataset('/path/to/data.h5')

This function will attempt to determine the dataset kind from the filename. This can be overridden with the kind keyword as in the previous example.

Loading a model in Python

Once a model has been trained, ParSNIP has a vast Python API for manipulating it and using it to generate predictions and plots. To load a model in Python:

>>> import parsnip
>>> model = parsnip.load_model('/path/to/model.h5')

There are several built-in models included that can be loaded by specifying their name. Currently, these are:

  • plasticc trained on the PLAsTiCC dataset.

  • ps1 trained on the PS1 dataset from Villar et al. 2020.

  • plasticc_photoz trained on the PLAsTiCC dataset. Uses the photometric redshifts instead of the true redshifts.

To load one of these built-in models:

>>> model = parsnip.load_model('plasticc')

Assuming that you have a light curve in sncosmo format, some examples of what can be done with a model include:

Predict the latent representation of a light curve:

>>> model.predict(light_curve)
    'object_id': 'PS0909006',
    's1': 0.19424194,
    's1_error': 0.44743112,
    's2': -0.051611423,
    's2_error': 1.0143535,

Plot the predicted light curve:

>>> parsnip.plot_light_curve(light_curve, model)

Plot the predicted spectrum at a given time:

>>> parsnip.plot_spectrum(light_curve, model, time=53000.)

See the Reference / API page for a list of all of the built-in methods, or the notebooks that were used to make figures for Boone et al. 2021 for examples.

Classifying light curves

To classify light curves, we first need to predict their representations using a ParSNIP model. This can be done either with the parsnip_predict script described previously or by operating in memory on an lcdata Dataset object:

>>> predictions = model.predict_dataset(dataset)
>>> print(predictions)
object_id    ra      dec     ...       s3        s3_error
--------- -------- --------  ... ------------- -----------
PS0909006 333.9503   1.1848  ...    0.19424233   0.4474311
PS0909010  37.1182  -4.0789  ...   -0.40881702  0.59658796
PS0910012  52.4718 -28.0867  ...     -2.142636  0.08176677
PS0910016  35.3073    -3.91  ...   -0.31671444   0.5740286
      ...      ...      ...  ...           ...         ...

A classifier can be trained on a set of predictions with:

>>> classifier = parsnip.Classifier()
>>> classifier.train(predictions)

The classifier can the be used to generate predictions for a new dataset with:

>>> classifier.predict(new_predictions)
object_id SLSN  SNII  SNIIn SNIa  SNIbc
--------- ----- ----- ----- ----- -----
PS0909006 0.009 0.025 0.031 0.858 0.077
PS0909010 0.001 0.002 0.017 0.954 0.024
PS0910016 0.002 0.002 0.017 0.948 0.032
PSc000001 0.003 0.936 0.038 0.003 0.021
PSc090022 0.960 0.001 0.037 0.001 0.000
      ...   ...   ...   ...   ...   ...

For more details and examples, see the classification demo notebook.